If you want to participate, come along to the Albany Theatre on 21 or 23 January, from 10 till 6, and bring your photos!
Jane was keen to point out that this is not just a case of wanting to collect faded, sepia photos from the distant past; she is also keen to archive the here and now. The area is changing so much that it is also important to record Deptford as it is today. To prove this point, I offer a very recent photograph of something which is now, sadly, history.
Jane's plans link seamlessly with the collection of photographs I was sent by Steve Golton after my post about the Royal Albert pub (formerly the Paradise Bar and before that, the Royal Albert!). Steve told me that he had a collection of photos from the 80s of a band called Rubber Johnny that used to play regularly at the venue.

(Photo courtesy of Steve Golton)
Steve has scanned the pictures and uploaded them here - he is also on a quest to get in touch with any of the former band members. You can contact him via Flickr, or leave a comment for him here!
1 comment:
I was intrigued to see her flier in the Deptford Project train. Would that I had been her long enough to be able to contribute something historical. I will get my camera out all the same.
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