Tuesday 25 February 2014

The ghosts of the deep ford

Deptford old and new, and its historic figures, are the stars of this short film by Willi Richards which was made in 2005 and has at last been made available online. Ferranti's power station, Evelyn's gardens, the McMillan sisters and their nursery, Christopher Marlowe and of course Peter the Great all recount stories of their time in Deptford, while walking its 21st century streets in Vadum Profundum (Deep Ford).

Even since it was made there have been significant changes - I shudder when I remember the old exit from the train station, even if it was much quicker to use! The grounds of the Master Shipwrights House look terribly bare in their pre-landscaped state, although over the wall in Convoys Wharf nothing has changed as yet.

Friday 7 February 2014

Deptford decades

I was sent a link to this lovely film by Katharine, who writes:

Last year I ran an HLF project 'Deptford Decades' with older people from the older community in Deptford, Tidemill Academy and Deptford Green School with the Bear church. The kids from both schools interviewed the older people, who came from DAGE and Cinnamon court in Edward street, about their memories of Deptford and SE London in the 1940s and 1950s. From these memories, the kids choreographed dances which were performed at a tea-dance in Deptford Lounge. As part of the project we made a film, recording the older people telling their stories.

Residents of Deptford tell their stories from Deptford Decades on Vimeo.

It's only had a few plays so far, but I think it deserves many more, it's a lovely little bit of social history that even features a neighbour of mine.

Sunday 2 February 2014

Sing a song of Deptford

Here's a couple of annoyingly catchy ditties - one about Deptford High Street and the other about our own local hipster hangout Little Nan's Bar - that have come to my notice recently. Thanks to Colin* for the former (*name changed to protect him from the wrath of those subsequently infected by the ear worm).

In this one, the Reverend Casy (featuring Jassah - not the same as the one from the Archers I don't think..) sings about Deptford High Street, over a film shot on the high street last year, which has a few familiar faces popping up here and there.

Reverend Casy has a page on Facebook if you want to know more.

Meanwhile Little Nan's Bar has also got in on the act, as any self-respecting hipster hangout should do, with the launch of a song of the same name by 'New Cross crooner' Rhiannon the Nightmare, filmed in aforementioned cocktail corner and also featuring a few faces I am familiar with, mentioning no names. Here's the link to Rhiannon's Facebook page. 

No need to thank me.