Monday, 6 February 2012

National petition for a reclassification of betting shops

The charity Gambling Reform & Society Perception (GRASP) and Southwark councillor Rowenna Davis have set up a petition asking Eric Pickles to propose a new planning class for betting shops.

Regular readers of my blog will be familiar with the arguments about planning classification, and how this is exacerbating the proliferation of betting shops, in particular on high streets where banks and pubs are closing or vulnerable.

The online petition, which you can find here, has a brief explanation - or you can read my previous posts which are tagged 'betting shops' for more background.

Ultimately a change in the law is the key to giving local people and councils more say in what happens to their high streets. Without this, we will find ourselves fighting more and more such cases, with nothing but the vagaries and historical quirks of the planning system for help.

1 comment:

  1. Gambling work on international level now. That took on shops and online betting networks to. Sound make it different and attractive.
