Sunday, 12 February 2012

Upcoming events at New Cross Library

 Just a note about a few events coming up at the New Cross People's Library on New Cross Road.

This week South East London Zines is holding a zine workshop for under 12s: 

Aside from being just plain fun, zine-making can be a wicked creative, emotional and intellectual outlet for anyone at any age, which is why we're inviting under 12s far and wide to pop by the library between 11am and 3pm to have a go at making zines with some of the South East London Zines team. 

We’ll be on hand to help, armed with plenty of examples (from perzines to odes to our favourite things) and all the drawing and collage materials needed for kids to put together their own zines. We're really excited about the workshop and hope kids will be motivated to continue to share and swap and self publish their own work, as well as attract more potential readers to the New Cross People's Library!

For more information about us, check out the South East London Zines blog or follow @selondonzines on Twitter.

The library is also holding two events in the first week of March to celebrate World Book Day. The press release has more information:

There will be a Big Book Swap to celebrate World Book Day at New Cross Library on Thursday 1 March, (6pm-8pm).

This will be followed by a Big Book Sale on Sunday 4 March (2-5pm) with second-hand books selling for bargain prices - most paperbacks will be priced 5 for £1 and hardbacks or large paperbacks £1 each.

Chair Gillian Hart said: "New Cross is a very creative area and it's full of book lovers - from Goldsmiths University students, to school children, to celebrated writers like Commonwealth prize winner Aminatta Forna. We thought it would be a lovely idea to celebrate World Book Day by doing a book swap."

"I love sharing books I feel passionate about. And getting a personal introduction to a book, is really special. You might even discover a writer who changes your life.'

People from all over London are invited to come along with at least one book they would like to swap with others.

"Our visitors will also be invited to take part in our first book group and to form a writing group". Writing events have proved very popular in the community-run library, with local children taking part
in a weekly poetry writing group on Thursdays.

And on the Sunday following World Book Day, book lovers from all over London are expected to descend on New Cross Library for the book sale in aid of keeping the library open. Could there be a better way for bibliophiles to celebrate reading?

"We believe you won't get cheaper books in London - and we have many recently published books as well as cult classics. We've got some great Ian Rankin novels, for example, and a superb collection of children's books. And there will be tea, coffee and cake to buy too, so you can make an afternoon of it," says Hart. "They are cheaper than our usual second hand books - we have a second hand bookshop which is open when the library is open, so you can grab yourself a bargain"

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