Monday, 6 February 2012

Deadly dames at the Deptford Lounge

'Ten twisted tales of heroines hell-bent on vengeance, reanimated corpses, post-apocalyptic sex and much, much more'. Ooer, sounds a bit racy doesn't it?

Despite the moniker it's nothing to do with me - it's the launch of a new collection of pulp fiction by women which is being held at the Deptford Lounge on International Women's Day.

Last summer publisher For Books' Sake teamed up with Pulp Press to find the best new pulp fiction written by women. The resulting collection, Short Stack, features the ten twisted tales mentioned above.

The launch of the book will take place at The Deadly Dames Rewrite on Thursday 8th March 2012 from 7.30pm.

Join Short Stack authors Bernadette Russell and Shelagh M. Rowan-Legg, For Books’ Sake founding editor Jane Bradley and Pulp Press publishers Danny Bowman for selected readings from the anthology and a Q&A.

Tickets are free but need to be reserved by ringing the box office at The Albany on 020 8692 4446.


  1. Just called the Albany to book - they say booking is actually with the Lounge, on 020 8314 7288.

  2. Just spoke to the Lounge now - actually tickets *will* be from the Albany, but haven't been released yet - the nice lady at the Lounge says they'll tweet when the tickets are available.
