Taking some photographs of the progress at Tidemill School and the newly-erected hoardings and traffic lights sent me back to the architect's rendering to check that the big overhang was actually meant to be there.

Seems like it is, and the hoardings are just protecting site staff who need to gain access to all sides of the building as construction progresses. Annoyingly it means that the traffic lights are going to be there until at least January 2011. Apologies for the two views being from opposite ends of the street, by the way; the sun was in the wrong place this morning to match the view up with the rendering!
Construction work next to the railway line is progressing so rapidly that it's now impossible to see on site from the station platform.
It's a bloody monstrosity and you've just pointed out something I didn't realise before – that the ghastly thing overhangs Giffin Street and not the square. It's awful and must be doubly so for the folk living opposite! Christ on a bike.
Thanks for posting stuff like this. I'm no longer in Deptford, but very interested to see how all the much promised developments are progressing. Please keep it up!
i disagree with the first comment made. my daughter is at tidemill school and we all as parents greatly welcome the new school building and believe our children should have the opportunity for a modern place to learn. the current building is very old and is in a poor state of repair. i believe a decent education for our children is more importent than a view from a house and with the additional bonus of the community services that will serve from this new building how can it be a bad thing?
@ anon I agree with your sentiments about the importance of education, and I am also excited by the new building, particularly as it will provide community benefits and hopefully forge closer links between Tidemill school and its immediate surrounds. However I do not agree that the impact on adjacent buildings (these are people's homes after all) should be dismissed so readily. From the renderings it is difficult to see what the quality and finish of the cladding will be, and I particularly object to renderings that do not show new developments in relation to adjacent structures, making it difficult to assess the actual impact they will have in terms of height, blocking of daylight and overlooking of neighbouring properties. Opinions on appearance will of course be diverse, but new buildings have many other impacts too.
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