"Volker Fitzpatrick has been awarded a £7m contract for the construction of a new railway station at Deptford, south London. The station redevelopment includes part demolition of existing canopies, and new-build work, providing over-bridge glazing to both platforms. Client is the London Borough of Lewisham. Volker saw off four other bidders to win the contract."

*A much censored version of what originally went through my head when I read this.
Who are these guys?
Their logo has been up on the Environment Agency site (that is owned by Impurious, ie Creekside Village) next to Laban, for ages. I always thought it was the local firm who are next door whose female CEO I met at a Creekside Charrette...whose business is re-doing Volkswagen engines for campervans etc....so I just thought she'd changed the name slightly...guess she's sold up or it that a complete co-incidence.
Why are you so shocked?
PS Due to your Royal Stunnedness, we don't have very much information...Please Dame, get on the case and report some more...
I would but I'm extraordinarily tired from slagging off Lewisham Homes...
Are they going to redesign it? Are they keeping the boring old RR design? Has it been turned on its head? Where is Cathedral and Deptford Project in all of this?
Rebecca doesn't seemed stunned, so I guess it's just a case of who's fucking building what Lewisham has already decided will be built (and and old pillar will go)...
I was at the station this morning and was just about to email you to see if you'd heard anything and then this appears. Fantastic. I was emailing to see really if you'd had confirmation of a complete cancellation to be honest.
I couldn't see how money could be found when earlier this week Network Rail had £100 million chopped from it's budget including it's scheme to improve the 10 worst stations across the country. I thought if that plan is cut then the chances of Deptford getting £3.5 million (50% paid for by NR I believe) was non existant.
My surprise was due to the fact that the contract has finally been let after so much delay. This is only for the new station building, the apartment building along the carriage ramp is a separate project funded by the developers. As far as I know it will be for the scheme which has already had planning permission http://www.lewisham.gov.uk/Environment/Regeneration/DeptfordAndNewCross/DeptfordTownCentre/DeptfordStation.htm
Volker Fitzpatrick is a large multi-disciplinary contractor. http://www.volkerfitzpatrick.co.uk/bin/ibp.jsp?ibpPage=S2_HomePage
Sorry, got it wrong: the firm in Creekside is Volker Stevin.
Joan Ruddock had seemed extraordinarily confident pre-election that work on the station would be commencing in the Summer, so perhaps the funding had been somehow ringfenced...?
Oh great, another vertiginous monstrosity. How those architects love their modern glass - forgetting it's a 90 year old relic.
1 in 5 of the population has problems with heights. So now we will be effectively disabled by this design. That will go nicely with being effectively barred from the Deptford DLT thanks to it's astonishingly stupid design that looks as if it is INTENDED to make you feel scared and unsafe.
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