Monday, 5 September 2016

Proposed revisions to Lewisham Gateway development; public consultation

While this is a bit out of my usual area of coverage, it may well be of interest to those in the south of Deptford/St John's.

The developer currently creating havoc in and around Lewisham station, Lewisham Gateway Developments Ltd, is 'consulting' on proposed changes to its master plan for the second phase of the work.

This involves the development of the land where the big roundabout used to be, remember those days?

In short, the developer wants to do away with some of the leisure, office and education provision and replace it with a bigger hotel and more flats.

Not only that, the proposal is to build taller (buildings proposed to be 77m will go up to 104m, those proposed to be 47m will now be up to 62m).

The developer's details suggest that the revisions will make it 'more slender' and 'open' as development. *check I'm wearing right glasses*. It's a master plan so it does not go into detailed design, instead covers things like planning use of the buildings, their footprints and building size, the location and orientation of roads etc.

Concerns have already been raised about the impact the increased building sizes will have on the habitat of 'Confluence Place' which seems to be the token green space for this huge redevelopment.

More details are online and there is a public consultation event in the foyer of the Glassmill Leisure Centre from 6pm to 8pm this Thursday 8th September.

1 comment:

  1. It is worth bearing in mind that the Lewisham Gateway development is now denser than many central London developments. There is a point when you cannot densify more without detrimental impact to the local environment, be that for public srvices or habitat/green spaces, not to mention pressure on schols, nurseries, doctor's surgeries and other essential services. Community spaces must be protected if the development is to be sustainable for the future!

    fight for it - make you voice heard and push back the developer's greed.
