Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Deptford People Project documentary

The Deptford People Project has produced a short film about their Friday night kitchen which was running in the Armada Centre for several months until being unceremoniously evicted by Greenwich Council a few weeks back (for reasons that I have been unable to fully establish).

The volunteers use food donated by local traders to cook a meal on Friday night for anyone who wants to eat - and create an opportunity for people who might be isolated and vulnerable to meet and socialise.

Undaunted by the eviction, the organisers are now serving food in the park next door on Friday nights, but clearly the need for indoor space is pressing as the weather starts to change.

They are currently petitioning Greenwich Council to find them space. Ironically the Armada Centre is just over the border in the Greenwich part of Deptford.

1 comment:

  1. Has anyone approached the 999 Club [http://999club.org/] on Deptford Broadway? They have good catering facilities and plenty of space. Their service is focussed mainly in the mornings and I don't think it's used much in the afternoons. They certainly used to do community lunches, but not sure about currently.

    I also know community lunches have been held previously at OneSpace [http://www.onespacekidbrooke.org.uk/] in Kidbrooke but that's a bit further away and a bit awkward for public transport.
