Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Two-year anniversary!

It has just been brought to my notice that this month we are celebrating TWO YEARS since the plans to rebuild Deptford Station were given planning permission by the council.

Just thought I'd mention it.


  1. This situation is utterly ridiculous. It seems that the Lewisham council cuts situation has just put every borough plan on hiatus.

  2. We are STILL promised the 6 storey glass slab sided monstrocity to be built in our car park at the back of the Albany/junk market.

    I asked when I attended the meeting about the MAD scheme to move all the market stalls around. Some young idiot (Designer/planner creature) has come up with a new layout for the Douglas Way stalls which will f**k everyone right off.

  3. @Peter could you expand on your comments about the market (either in a comment or by email to me so I can follow it up in a future post)?

  4. They'd better get a move on. As I understand it, planning permission generally lasts 3 years (it might be 5 in this case) and then you have to start all over again.
