Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Deptford christmas festival and lights switch-on

It's hard to contain my excitement as I savour the prospect of the Deptford christmas lights. I haven't looked lately but I guess they are still in place from last year, clamped to the lamp-posts along the High Street. Next time you go shopping you can squint up at them and imagine them glowing with coloured bulbs for a sneak peek of the excitement to come.

All sarcasm aside I am not by any means suggesting that the council should waste spend any more money on christmas decorations and certainly not on taking them down, storing them and then putting them back up every year. It's great that we have some lights and perhaps kids enjoy seeing them burst into life at the annual switch-on, but I'm relieved to see that there is a little more to the christmas festival than just the illuminations - because frankly that wouldn't be very exciting! 
Perhaps some of the local pubs will be serving mulled wine. Oh I just remembered, we don't have any local pubs left on the high street.
Saturday 11 December, 11am – 3.30pm
Deptford Christmas Festival at Giffin Square, Douglas Way, Margaret McMillan Park and Deptford Project
Festive activities are due to take place around Deptford all weekend.  Some of Saturday’s attractions include special market stalls, children’s activities, and walking and cycling-themed entertainment including rickshaw rides.  The Christmas lights will be switched on as the sun goes down.

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