Saturday, 16 October 2010

Tidemill school public meeting

A meeting to discuss the implications of Tidemill School's bid to gain academy status will be held at the school on 21 October at 7pm and will be chaired by Joan Ruddock. If you are concerned about the school's plans, or simply want to know more about what it means for the school and for the wider community in Deptford, you are invited to attend.

It's worth remembering that the new school being built for Tidemill also includes the 'Deptford Lounge',  which will house the library, meeting rooms, a cafe and other public facilities. What will happen to these facilities in terms of ownership and maintenance responsibility is not yet clear, but building the school and the Deptford Lounge as a single unit is bound to raise complex issues.

Deptford Says No to Tidemill Academy from leila on Vimeo.

For further information about the local campaign against the bid for academy status, visit their website here. Tidemill School's page is here, although I wasn't able to download any of the 'consultation documents' that are attached on the news story.

Update: Thanks Marmoset for sending the link to the consultation documents on the campaign's website.

1 comment:

  1. The consultation documents are here

    That said, they're a bit awkward to read - either too small to read or too big for the browser.

    If you lose patience trying to read the consultation document, let me know, and I'll send you a scanned copy by email attachment.
