Sunday, 17 October 2010

Lucky learners?

You deside!


  1. That isnt the way you spelz deside!

    (The Victorians sent children to work. A couple of generations were lucky but now the sending them to work bit has started again from a slightly different angle but it's pretty much the same thing.)

    And ''spelling'' is also pretty much uncountable unless you're talking about different spellings of the same word. So, that's a fail from me.

    Mind you, there's a couple of posters stuck up in the High Street for our educatifification... ''Do you want to learn a train?'' You can even do a course billed as ''IT for IT user''. Ah well, we live and lurn...

  2. And is all this lurnin' being financed from the public purse, I wonder. Perhaps the cuts are right on target in this case. If communi'y edjucashun means mispellings on posters, I am voting for a local sign auditor to be appointed on £200k+ per annum and given subsidized office space on the high street to put these linguistic abusers in their proper an academy school perhaps?

    anyone dare to agree?

  3. Big Deal!! Lucky Learners Maths and spelling is not being financed from the public purse.

    My son and daughter attend the Lucky sessions at Lucky Learners and are doing well with the additional support in maths and spelling.

    You guys get off your high horse and do something worthwhile rather than knit picking, since your so educated why dont you run a project and show us how its done rather than wasting time you think you have knocking those doing what you are incapable off.

  4. How it is funded is irrelevant - but surely someone who is teaching 'spellings' to children should be literate? This is a very basic mistake which does not inspire confidence in the teaching standards being set by this organisation.

  5. Knit picking? Doesn't that make your pullovers fray?

  6. Yawn.... Deptford Lame I mean Dame go and get your self a real job. Yawn :-0...

  7. We withdrew our children from these classes and move them into another tuition class not far off. Am now much more satisfied and can see a marked difference in my children's maths
