Wednesday, 13 October 2010

South London Press picks up on John Evelyn story

The South London Press has got a good story on the closure of the John Evelyn pub in its latest edition.

It highlights the fact that the pub is owned by Admiral Taverns, although no-one from the company was available to comment when the story went to press.

Anyone who wishes to make Admiral Taverns aware of the impact their decision to hand the pub over to Paddy Power (presumably on a lease, although this is not clear from the story) will have on our local community can do so on the company's website here.

Unfortunately it seems the company has been in trouble for some time, and last year was partly taken over by Lloyds Bank.


  1. if the company was taken over by Lloyds Bank, and the public has a majority share in Lloyds bank, does this mean the public has a majority share in Admiral Taverns?

  2. Hi DD

    Thank you so much for your continued coverage on this and also for the tip to contact the local press!

    There is a hearing at the town hall on Tuesday 26th at 7pm and we'll all be there to object, including Dougie the ex landlord of the John Evelyn.

    Thanks again

  3. Dear DD and Chris,

    My name's Charlie and I work on East London Lines, the news website run by Goldsmith college's journalism department.

    I want to report on the campaign to save the John Evelyn - could you get in touch with me at

    In particular Chris, I'd like to know how much public support there's been thus far and how many of you are going to the meeting on the 26th. Thanks.

  4. I can't believe another betting shop is to open in Deptford.
    We are going backwards!
    Have only just found out about this so too late for the meeting but rest assured i will be keeping a close eye!
