Sunday, 10 October 2010

Deptford Arms planning issues rumble on

With Deptford at risk of losing another community pub to the gambling industry, it is interesting to hear that planning issues relating to the conversion of the Deptford Arms by Paddy Power have still not been resolved. My previous post (and the additional comments) explain some of the background to the various planning applications that have been submitted and refused.

The current situation is that the revised planning application - which was refused by the council - has now also gone to appeal and is awaiting a decision. Naturally Paddy Power didn't wait to get permission before making the changes - presumably they are confident of winning the appeal, or have some compromise in mind to appease the planners if necessary.

The main intention of the council's planners in refusing the application is that since the building is in a conservation area, any changes to it should be in keeping with its original use - in plain terms, it should still look like a pub so that the original character and frontages of the street can be preserved even if there is a change in use. Paddy Powers' appeal focusses on its claim that these changes are vital to preserving the building. Next time you are passing the building, I invite you to glance up at the crumbling plaster above the windows and the tree growing out of the wall of the upper storey, and make up your own mind about these claims.

To view the documents go to this page and use the case reference 2135043 to search the site, then follow the links. I tried to put in a direct link but it seems they've changed the site address and it's no longer possible to do so.


  1. Oh well spotted that the common or garden Butterfly Bush? Or is it a cunningly disguised satellite receiver?

  2. Actually Sue maybe you have a point! I know they make mobile phone masts 'disguised' as trees, perhaps this is a new line...

  3. Or the very tentative beginning of a 'green wall'?

  4. It might be that the designers of the Paddy Power shopfront have hit a bit of an impass and are just looking for some inspiration so I've been trying to locate early photos of the pub. I've tried google images without success, would anyone know of any other sources?
