If you want to know what's in store for Deptford town centre, make a date to come along to the Access Point building in Giffin Square on 30/31 January to the public exhibition that is being held there.
The council has now been granted planning permission for many of the schemes under the programme to revitalise Deptford town centre and you will be able to find out more about what this involves.
Schemes include:
- the Deptford Lounge; billed as a combination of public library and council services centre; with facilities for lifelong learning and a café
- construction of the new Tidemill School; this 'enhanced educational environment' (sorry that's the press release speak!) will provide an important hub for the community, the council says. The new school and library will be fronted by a public space formed by extending and improving Giffin Square, and 'will be supported by public realm improvements across the area'. Which I hope means that they are going to give us some non-wonky paving stones and replace those revolting bollards and other assorted scruffy bits of street furniture with something that looks good and is durable.
- additional developments in the area will include; new work units and new parking facilities; improved leisure facilities (I'm not sure if that refers to the new pool or if other things are planned) and the provision of mixed social and private housing
- improvements to Deptford Station (HURRAH! Maybe even some time this decade?!)
Cynicism aside, this is a great opportunity to find out about future plans for the Deptford.
On Friday 30th it runs from 12 till 7pm, with Pickelily magician at 3.45pm.
On Saturday 31st it's from 10am till 4pm with face-painting all day, and a lion dance at 2pm, to celebrate the lunar new year.
If you can't make it, you can view some of the proposals here, (although I think some of the dates have slipped since this was written).
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