Tuesday, 8 February 2022

Launch of MoSaF map - 'a new way of thinking about Deptford'

A group campaigning for a Museum of Slavery and Freedom to be established in Deptford has announced the launch of its latest initiative, the MoSaF Map, this Saturday. 

MoSaF London has issued an invitation to local residents, businesses and community groups to attend the launch and book a place on one of the free walking tours that take place on Sunday. 

Local groups, schools, neighbours and friends are all invited to this event at which MoSaF will present its research and vision for a museum. Artists taking part in MōSaF’s 2022 commissioning programme also will present their ideas for community engagement.

"There is no memorial to the slave trade in the UK’s capital, an astounding gap in our country’s cultural landscape. Our railway system, cotton and coal industries, the City of London and the country house movement all owe a substantial economic debt to the trade in enslaved people," the invitation says.

"The MōSaF Map is unique because it goes local. Against the backdrop of such national amnesia, it provides a historical snapshot of how, and exactly where on our streets, Deptford and its citizens were involved in the trade. It marks out places where the fight for abolition took place."

The local community is invited to RSVP to attend the launch on Saturday 12th February where they can pick up a copy of the map, join the campaign for a museum, and sign up to participate in art workshops and collaborative projects. MoSaF guides are also planning free walking tours on Sunday which can be booked at the event. 

MoSaF deputy chair Judith Hibbert says: “We want to show the true light of what went on, but we don’t want to gravitate to just that. We want young people to get involved, we want to give them a focus. We learn so much about the Tudors at school but not much on slavery. This museum is about true history. Why should what we learn be one-sided?”

SATURDAY, 12 FEBRUARY 2022 from 3pm

Empathy & Risk Studio, 1 Borthwick Street, London SE8 3GH

RSVP: info@mosaf.org.uk

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