Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Keep the Waiting Room in Deptford!

My favourite (and one of the original) of Deptford's coffee shops has launched a Kickstarter campaign to support a move to new premises.

The small-but-perfectly-formed Waiting Room is being forced to relocate as the landlord of the property wants to redevelop it and no doubt take advantage of rising rents. 

The good news is that they have a new premises lined up - one with more space and a garden, and they plan to open in the evenings as well. 

The bad news is that they've not had time to save up enough money to pay for the work that needs doing, new equipment and so on.

That's where us lot come in.

Show your love for Alec and Kev by pledging whatever you can to help them stay in Deptford High Street. Let's face it, it won't be the same without them.

(and even if you can't afford to give, it's worth a read just to learn the story of how the Waiting Room came to be....)

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