Saturday, 8 July 2017

Sayes Court Gardens is fundraising!

Sayes Court Garden CIC is fundraising on Spacehive to support its plans to establish a community and outdoor classroom in Sayes Court Park at the top of Grove Street.

Once three times the size, Sayes Court will in time reclaim its lost land and leap the fence into the Convoys Wharf development, being one of two community-led projects that successfully lobbied for space on the site - the other being the Lenox Project. 

They say: "Before that happens, Sayes Court Park will be the community-led testing ground where we imagine and plan what that future will look like. Together we'll transform this neglected park into a source of pride for Deptford and a destination for London. This legacy is an invitation to test, grow and transform a part of the city, making better places to live. Through collaborative workshops, events and a reinstated pavilion, Sayes Court will become a centre for the community once again."

The CIC is looking to raise £40k for a number of initiatives which are detailed on the Spacehive site. Pledges will only be taken if the project reaches its target, so if you want to support these ambitious plans, please pledge, share and help them to raise their profile.


  1. I don't think it's neglected at all. Its a quiet space for local people to sit and contemplate. I go through it regularly and there are usually people sitting quietly on the benches and the odd walking group passing through. Why don't they do this in Deptford Park, or Brookmill Gardens.

  2. I agree with You Louise I am a local resident and use this park to get away from the bigger parks - it's a perfect hideaway full of natural bio diversity - a private CIC cannot build on this park - any practice for a private companiy should be done inside John Evelyn Community Garden where maybe a temporary structure could be gifted to carry on as a community resource - our park is precious and needs to stay it is currently a perfect little oasis in a concrete jungle-

  3. Don't let them build on the park. The park should be extened onto the Convoys Wharf site and any building go there. This is privitisation by hipsters.
