Monday, 2 January 2017

Coming soon to Deptford High Street - Winemakers Deptford

One of my (admittedly few) complaints about Deptford High Street has been the complete absence of any decent wine, so I'm quite excited that later this month will see the opening of Winemakers Deptford, at 209 Deptford High Street, right between Pho Hanoi and Perfecto's chipper.

I remember there being a 'wine bar' on the high street when I first moved to Deptford - we visited it a couple of times for food and drink. It lasted a year or so, failing to attract sufficient custom to survive -  I think it's now the 'vape bar'.

I suspect Deptford's changing population - along with the signs that it's becoming something of a 'destination' for food and drink (imagine that!) - will provide a more fertile customer base for this latest venture. It's a spin-off from the Winemakers Club, a wine-importing business based in Farringdon Street under Holborn Viaduct, whose website claims "we are passionate about high quality, organic and biodynamic wines from small, traditional wineries around the world."

The premises on Deptford High Street has been unused for some time, having opened very briefly as a restaurant when it was first launched as the luridly-branded 'Hungry Boy'. I did eat there once and recall it was ok, nothing particularly special, but the doors shut soon afterwards and never reopened.

Winemakers Deptford promises not only off-sales of wine, but will also have a wine bar and small restaurant serving 'simple, hearty food' and charcuterie.

Wonder if they'll be retaining the characterful mural? (photo: @winemakersdept)

The fitting out of the new wine bar has been continuing over the last month or two, and the opening date is currently anticipated to be sometime in January.


  1. I'm looking forward to this one. I have also read on Twitter that the Italian restaurant in Peckham, Artusi (, is opening its second site on Deptford High St. Apparently the builders are already in but it's going to be quite a big job.

    On a separate note, do you have know why Wunderlust have left the red bus?

  2. Yes I've been aware of Artusi's plans for a new restaurant for quite a while, but progress on the building seems awfully slow. As regards Wunderlust I have no definitive information although given the landlord's previous history, I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't have something to do with it


  3. احصل الان على افضل خدمة صيانة الكتروستار مع امكانية توفير قطع الغيار الاصلية باقل الاسعار فقط اتصل بنا الان من خلال زيارة موقعنا الان

  4. It's open now!
    I understand it's been open for a few weeks but the kitchen has only become operational quite recently.
    They have rillettes!!
