Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Crossfields Green open space - consultation under way

Lewisham Council is consulting with local groups and residents on what they want to see in the master plan for the reinstatement of Crossfields Green after the Tideway Tunnel construction work has been completed.

You may not even know this little slip of land exists if it's not on your route somewhere - it sits alongside St Paul's Church and provides a useful cut-through from the high street to Deptford Church Street and onwards to Greenwich for walkers and cyclists.

It also has some parking spaces, a badly-landscaped turning circle outside the school entrance, and an area of green space, trees and shrubs, part of which has been a community garden and some of which is used as a dog-walking area.

All of this will be taken over next year when construction of the shaft for the Tideway Tunnel interceptor begins. You can read more about the plans in my previous posts and on the Tideway Tunnel website.

Once the construction has finished, Tideway Tunnel is obliged to reinstate the land and Lewisham Council is leading the process of developing a master plan for the site. 

You can comment through the online survey which is open until midnight on 21 December - if you aren't really sure what you want to see on this space, why not consider the 'five radical ideas' being put forward by campaigning group Don't Dump on Deptford's Heart?

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