Sunday, 14 August 2016

Drone footage of Convoys Wharf site

With enabling works having recently started on the Convoys Wharf site, readers might be interested in having a look 'over the fence' with this great drone footage posted by Sayes Court.

The enabling works which are being carried out by contractor FM Conway include building a haul road through the site in preparation for the construction of buildings on the site.

It's now two years since developer Hutchison Whampoa secured outline planning permission for the site. They have permission to redevelop the site based on the masterplan that was approved by Boris Johnson after he called in the scheme at the developer's request. This includes construction of 3,500 homes, including three huge towers on the waterfront. Before they can build any of the scheme they must submit (and receive approval for) detailed planning applications. They have just put up a new website for the scheme.

If you are interested in the background to the planning process and the detail of the outline proposal you can find it by searching the archive of this blog. Both of the local community projects that were incorporated in the plans after several years of campaigning - the Lenox Project and Sayes Court Garden - also have information on their websites.

There is also a group called Voice4Deptford which is being run by Pepys Community Forum and is intended to represent the local community in future discussions with the developer. They have a meeting on 6th September at the Armada Community Hall for anyone interested in getting involved.


  1. I was going to share the Sayes Croft drone footage with the 'I Grew Up In deptford, S.e.8. London'(can't you tell by the spelling) facebook group, but the music wasn't suitable.

    I wonder where the people running the 'Sayes Croft' facebook page grew up?

  2. Vesper mate, yes the music on the Sayes site is a bit rubbish but that should in no way put you off sharing.

  3. OK Anon I'll share it with the 'I Grew Up In deptford, S.e.8. London'facebook group, and I'll ask them to suggest a piece of music that they'd like to hear with it

  4. The music is terrible.

  5. Great work, thanks!

  6. The music is the best thing about the video - the footage is boring. How many weeds do you need to see?
