Sunday, 15 November 2015

How Deptford has changed in a decade

A lot has changed in Deptford in ten years. If you remember Little Mo's cafe, Witcomb Cycles, The Last Lick wine bar (yes really!) and the old butchers shop that used to sell tins of pease pudding, you might know some of the faces in Michael Smith's three-day photography project in Deptford in 2005 the photos from which he's finally got around to posting online.

Many of the faces are still around on the high street, just looking a bit older and a bit thinner on top, but a lot of them have come and gone. Michael wants to hear from anyone who knows any of the people in the pictures, contact him at

All photos copyright of Michael Smith; see if you recognise any of the others on his page.


  1. Rene was responsible for the creation, from a piece of disused land, of the playground in Mary Ann Gardens. A much needed green space for local children.

  2. Hi Eve.
    Mary Ann Gardens was a playground in the 50's when I lived there, known as the rec. We had a large slide, a couple of roundabouts, a whole load of swings, a few other rides and a couple of shelters, plus an air raid shelter. there was also some space to play ball. There was a lady who used to look after the place then.
    The entrance was down the steps from the churchyard.

  3. Although I no longer live in Deptford, I still haunt it!
    The Thunderbolt
