Friday, 7 August 2015

Deptford sunflowers

I've been enjoying watching these sunflowers sprout up and raise their yellow faces to the sky, making a mockery of the council's neglect of this car park on Vanguard St and Glendale's wholesale removal of all signs of life from the borders last year.

Sadly some norbert has been trying to pull the flower heads off the plants - as well as being a selfish oaf, they have no doubt found that sunflower stalks are pretty damn tough and unless you are going to carry a big pair of shears with you, you're unlikely to end up with anything worth displaying in your house. It's always a risk with guerrilla gardening, but one that's worth taking in my opinion.

These particular flowers were planted by local residents, I understand, using packets of seeds that cost £1 from Terry's shop on the high street, and planted in less than an hour.

Hopefully there's lots of others out there who've enjoyed seeing these towering beauties cocking a snook at the council's planting policy for this corner of SE8. 

Keeping my fingers crossed that this year's success will lead to a repeat planting next year.

1 comment:

  1. Amongst those the dame has photographed is a relatively rare Italian variety; could this be a descendent from an earlier era when roman centurions walked the ramparts of the fort at the deep ford ?
