Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Asda coming to Deptford High Street

A tip-off last night alerted me to the licensing applications that are plastered all over 5-9 Deptford High Street (currently the cheap end of the row, the 99p Store).

Apparently Asda is applying for a licence to sell alcohol from 7am to 12 midnight at the premises, suggesting that the 99p Store's days are numbered. 

I have never come across one of Asda's 'convenience' stores so I've no idea what to expect, although I know like all the other chains they are looking to the high street as their saviour, and turning away from the out of town megastores. My only experience of shopping at Asda prompts memories of shelves full of enormous boxes of everything, with the only discounts available if you bought multiple enormous boxes. Bugger-all use for a single person in a London flat, unless of course you've got a lock up shed for the extra. 

So what will it mean for Deptford High Street, aside from the lurid green signage and even more places for cheap booze?

Some competition for Tesco won't be a bad thing, although I have to admit that the latter seems to have pulled its socks up a bit recently in terms of its stock. I only ever go in there to buy the things that Deptford High Street has failed on or when everywhere else is shut and I've noticed recently that I've generally been able to find what I need, which is a change from the situation when it first opened. 

Perhaps they got wind of what was happening - they probably had their eye on the unit themselves, hey you can never have too many Tesco stores apparently!

Depending on what they stock - and don't forget that's a pretty spacious retail unit - it could impact on the rest of the food stores on the high street and potentially even the market. With booze on sale 17 hours a day it will certainly offer competition to the multiple off-licenses at that end of the street. 

To challenge the licence application you should email no later than 10th February. Be aware though that there are only certain grounds on which you can challenge such an application. For more details see the information on the council website. 


  1. Great scoop Dame!

    Can't imagine there will be much of a fight to "Save our 99p shop"!

  2. Mmm. Another Walmart outlet. I've just asked Morrisons if they'd open on Depford High St instead.

  3. I've been in a Morrisons convenience store - wouldn't wish that experience on anyone.

  4. There is a small Asda on Rye Lane, it's quite good and has most things but still at Asda prices, as opposed to how Tesco ups the price of everything in their express shops.

  5. I love the 99p store it will be missed ! Great for toys and treats for children and you can buy proper ground coffee beans for 99p ...

  6. I know a bit about this - it is 3 times the size of Tesco but the interesting bit is ASDA only single price. Unlike Tesco and Sainsbury where things are more expensive in their convenience store - with Asda its the same price across the uk - all good?

  7. Yes I get all my salt and vinegar crinkle cut Kettle chips from the 99p store, five packets for 99p. Please don't leave us in the lurch.

  8. to anonymous 16/1 13:40 - that's some posh crisps for a 99p store! must get there before it closes.

  9. Tesco has a very good red wine selection now for such small store, since last year, before that it was like the rubbish shops, wine students would buy. Veg not bad either, the 49p broccoli certainly always draws me in,.

  10. The 99p store is a great source of cheaper seasonal goodies. I regular shop there for cheaper top up food and cleaning items. In past 2 years of Deptford High Street shopping I have saved a small fortune compared to Tesco.
    Shame it is going.

  11. This is great news can't wait, no more expensive Tesco for me.

  12. Deptford is changing so quickly these few years. I always try to buy from the market and the small shops. Support local business!

    Love Deptford !
