Friday, 1 August 2014

Screw fix

Johnny's DIY has a new fixture *insert screw joke here*.

I always try and get my screws (sorry!) etc at Johnny's rather than visiting the big stores because you can get them in smaller quantities and they are generally cheaper. 

My most memorable saving was the drain clearing stuff he sells for £5.99. The exact same product and size retails for almost £11 in B&Q. 

Yes I know, I need to get out more.

Update: apparently it's not just a new bit of art, it's the start of a campaign about which you will hear more soon. Not only that, it seems Johnny's is short of screws! Here's the as-yet rather vague explanation:

Campaign you will hear about soon....Screws keep the world together 
Have a look in your kitchen draw/shed cupboard and send ONE screw to Johnny's DIY, 150 Deptford High St, London SE8 3PQ.

I've also been told that Johnny's now has a website - find all your DIY needs here at

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