Friday, 11 April 2014

London Particular gets into empire building

Just to be clear, I have absolutely no objection to local New Cross cafe London Particular building an empire - if it's an empire infused with the same levels of quality that make the cafe's food so desirable, I say 'bring it on!'

It appears that within a matter of weeks, maybe even days, the much-loved London Particular will be flanked by two new ventures; the LP Bar (from the publicity so far, seems to be an airplane-themed cocktail bar)...

..and on the other side, crowd-funded posh chipper Maddy's Fish Bar. At the moment, the latter is under refurbishment and as I walked past the other day I was delighted to notice that at some time in its past, the shop was also inhabited by 'fish caterers'. 

Peter of Deptford High Street website interviewed Maddy earlier this year, you can read his piece here. Admittedly I am with him on the subject of mushy peas, and not too enamoured with Maddy's suggested 'posh' version, but might be willing to overlook it if the curry sauce lives up to the hype. 


  1. I was so sad to see that fish & chip shop close, I mean, PAUL MCCARTNEY went in there... once.

  2. The McCartney special (Pickled Onion and Chips) was great! The old Chinese couple who ran it were lovely too. I'm hoping that the new chip shop prices won't match the eye-watering prices of London Particular food - no matter how good the food is, restaurant prices in a cafe environment with one communal table is not really on. I just wish that the whole LP thing was a bit less pretentious and hipster, more down to earth in keeping with New Cross in general.

  3. Yes, let's just all eat gruel and wear hemp sacks
