Monday, 31 March 2014

New 'saloon bar' Job Centre due to open soon

It's been a long time coming (intially slated for opening in time for last christmas!) but there's finally some progress on our new high street pub.

The 'Job Centre' (those with relatively short memories will know it actually was a job centre only a few years back, before the authorities saw fit to force our local job-seekers to spend more money travelling to Catford to sign on) is now planned to open in early May.

For some reason it took Antic a long time to eject the squatters who moved in after Utrophia moved out, but work is now going on and I'm looking forward to checking out the new local in the very near future.

I have it on good authority that a former manager of the Royal Albert will be taking it on; great news as it's someone whose pub-managing abilities I rate highly.

I'll admit to being slightly perturbed by the description of it as a 'saloon bar' - not really because of the Wild West connotations (we're used to those in Deptford!) but maybe because I think the high street just needs a good solid boozer.

Not sure quite why they chose this terminology - anyone in the know, please feel free to add it in the comments, I'm sure many of you will be keen to make uneducated guesses too!


  1. Looking forward to this. Really like what Antic are doing round the area. They seem to understand the need to be a bit more locally focused

  2. Saloon bar = carpet. That's the rules.

  3. Will this be at the expense of the Royal Albert as I seem to remember there being some connection?

  4. Can't wait for this new bar to open up and start bringing back some evening life to Deptford High Street.
    Royal Albert will still be be frequented by me.

  5. Thanks Deptford Dame for the lovely little write up.
    Having finally managed to relocated some very resistant squatters - we really appreciate everyone's patience and support. I am very excited to reveal that we should be opening early May, so when I get an exact date you will be the first to know.
    We have chosen 'Saloon' bar because we wanted to distinguish ourselves from the fantastic job that the guys at the Royal Albert are doing. The Job Centre will not be a pub as such but will have more of a bar feel. It will be spacious and comfy lounging and dining space on ground floor level and we boast an events booking space on the top floor. It's interior will be an eclectic mix of vintage décor and quirky design features inspired by its function as a place that once served the unemployed.
    Keep your eyes peeled for more exciting updates because we will be opening soon - I promise!


    Holly Simpson
    PR & Promotions Consultant
    Antic London

  6. Holly will it actually be called The Job Centre?

    I do love Jam Circus and the Ravensbourne so yay for Antics arrival!!

    Also....Pleeeeeease buy one of the dumps in Greenwich town centre from Franks failed empire and save us from the bile which is infesting Greenwichs' drinking establishments!!!!

  7. Thanks for the info Holly. Frankly I'm even more confused trying to establish the difference between 'pub' and 'bar' since I thought the latter was what you had in the former. Ah well, I guess we will all have to wait and see! As long as it has good ales, some of those fabulous sausage rolls, and a ban on kids in the evening (I would say all day, but I'm not feeling overly provocative today), that will suit me fine.

  8. Holly,

    Come and save us in East Greenwich, we need an Antic pub too. We have lots of new flats sprouting up and I think you would do well here.
