Friday, 29 November 2013

Upcoming events in Deptford

Lots going on in the next few weeks folks, as Christmas bears down on us like an HGV towards a cycle superhighway.

Here's a brief round-up of the stuff that's floated across my radar recently:

Friday 6 - Sunday 8 December
Cockpit Arts open studios in Deptford

Cockpit Arts is having its pre-Christmas open studios event at its Deptford site next weekend - a good opportunity to browse the fabulous work of our local designer-makers, and a great place to pick up hand-crafted gifts. Many of the artists produce small items specially for the open studios event, so even if you are on a low budget you may still be able to find something within your range. It's also great to see the skilled work on show and get the chance to talk to the crafters themselves.

Tickets for Saturday and Sunday (11am-6pm) are £3 but it's free entry on the Friday (11am - 9pm) and free to under-15s all weekend.

Cockpit Arts

Saturday 7 December
Deptford Society, the Lenox Project and Giffin Square Food Fair

The new Deptford Society (sign up to their mailing list here) is hosting its first event in Giffin Square, in collaboration with the monthly Giffin Square Food Fair, the Lenox Project and the Deptford Lounge.

In Giffin Square, as well as the monthly food fair stalls, there will be

  • music from music from local steel drum band Heart of Steel
  • singing in the Deptford Lounge from Tidemill Academy school choir
  • ‘If on a winter’s night a traveller’ performance art from Something Human, based on Italo Calvino’s classic novel
  • mulled wine for anyone who joins Deptford Society 
  • Father Christmas patrolling the streets with a bag of goodies 
  • a cooking demo outside Codfathers between 11am–2pm 
  • interactive art installations by Chelsea College of Arts students along the high street and in Douglas Square.

Meanwhile the Lenox Project and the recently-formed Deptford Shanty Crew will be hosting various maritime and dockyard-themed events in and around the Deptford Lounge.

The Lenox Project will have its restored Saker cannon on show in Giffin Square, with displays about the history of Deptford's Royal Dockyard in the library, and talks from historians and authors Richard Endsor and SI Martin, happening throughout the day.

The Deptford Shanty Crew will be performing some bawdy sea songs and encouraging the audience to join in!

10am - 4.30pm
Giffin Square and Deptford Lounge

Wednesday 11 December
The Goldsmiths Carol Concert

The Goldsmiths Chamber Choir, conducted by Caroline Lenton Ward, Brass Group and, in the evening, Gospel Choir present a programme of Christmas music, with carols for everyone to enjoy. Complemented by candlelight and traditional Christmas readings, all led by the Reverend Adele Rees. 

All welcome, no need to book, and both events will be followed by mulled wine and mince pies.

Lunchtime: 1pm - 1.45pm 
Evening: 6.30pm - 8pm 

Great Hall, Richard Hoggart Building, Goldsmiths, University of London
Full details:

Saturday 14 & Sunday 15 December
The Vintage Christmas & Craft Market

Deptfordwives presents the Vintage Christmas & Craft Market, where 'a beautiful selection of hand crafted products from talented designers' will be on sale at the Albany Theatre in Deptford.

The blurb promises: Wonderful and unique handcrafted Christmas presents including ceramics, vintage choice classy items, silver & gold jewellery, decorations, craft, art keepsakes, beautiful leather work, Deptford 'The Sunshine State' Tee shirts and lots more...

10.30am - 4pm
The Albany Theatre
Douglas Way

Sunday 15 December
New Cross Learning's Christmas Extravaganza

All are welcome to New Cross Learning's annual general meeting at 1pm, after which there will be jazz, a puppet show, appearance of Father Christmas and some christmas films - all events are free of charge.

More information at

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