Thursday, 28 February 2013

Edward Street garden update

It's always pleasing when you feel you've made a difference, no matter how small, and it was particularly satisfying to hear that my efforts to publicise the poor state of the flower bed at Edward Street roundabout had finally borne fruit, so to speak.

Last year I wrote about the council's gardening contractor Glendale making a total pigs ear of its responsibilities towards this little corner of Deptford, and then reported that the outcry had forced Lewisham to actually make an effort to improve the flower bed.  

I am delighted to report that the bed was cleared of its shabby rose bushes and litter a few weeks ago, the lower branches of the three oversize conifers were cut off, and the bed has now been planted with the low growing shrub mix - option one of the two offered by Glendales last year.

I hope to see the shrubs establishing themselves over the coming months and trust that they will be properly nurtured and looked after in the years ahead, with the bed being weeded and litter picked at regular intervals. If not, I'm sure there's room for a few rogue sunflowers in between the shrubs - who knows, there might be some seeds left there from the guerrilla gardening of last year and the year before.

As for the guerrilla gardeners themselves, I'm sure they can find plenty more unloved spaces around the local area to turn their attention to.

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