Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Local news roundup

The tragic death of young student Olatunji Johnson Adeyanju (TJ) on 23 March was so thoroughly reported by Crossfields blog that I did not feel I could add anything to the story. You can read some heartfelt tributes in the comments of the post if you click on the link.

TJ's funeral will take place on Tuesday 24th April at St Paul's Church in Deptford, and his friends are asking people to make a contribution to the cost of the funeral rather than sending flowers. Contributions can be made at Albyns Funeral Directors on the high street, or handed in to Vicky at the Armada Community Centre on McMillan Street.

At the other end of Deptford, some slightly more heartening news that the planning application to demolish the Lord Clyde pub in order to build more flats has been refused.

Bill has the full story over on Deptford Misc, along with some history of the building. It's more than likely that the developer will appeal, but for the moment the pub and the community boxing club that uses the upper rooms has had a stay of execution.

Just across the boundary in Greenwich, demolition of the old Norman Road light industrial site has begun in preparation for its redevelopment into The Movement, a planning application that received permission more than a year ago. The site will be mixed use including two hotels, student accommodation, residential units, 'incubator' units for start up businesses, a health club and so on. Full details are on the Greenwich planning portal.

I haven't really kept up with this major redevelopment since there's so much else going on in Deptford, but here's one of the elevation drawings for your delectation. This is the elevation facing Norman Road, one of the taller blocks that will house residential units.


  1. Whilst I support controlled planning, it is becoming more noticeable that our neighbours in Greenwich seem to be embracing change more readily than Lewisham. The area by Greenwich train station, along the Creek, Greenwich Reach, Creekside etc have all been transformed. I agree that people may not like the designs/density etc but at least their council are doing something about the housing shortage. There is a risk that our area of the creek is going to look like a very poor neighbour which benefits nobody.

  2. "Our area of the Creek"? Anon, you wouldn't be a developer, would you?

  3. No Sue, I just meant what I said - our side (the Lewisham side)as opposed to 'their side' (the Greenwich side). You have a far too suspicious mind! ;-)

    On the subject of developments, I see from a distance that Paynes and Borthwick (also Greenwich council!) is coming up fast - not sure if anyone has any photos?

    I also note that a new Sainsburys is opening up on Creek Road...

  4. So, Anon, you don't live near the Creek...If you did, the last thing you would want is more development (most of which so far is luxury flats that do not address the housing shortage). And it is not necessarily about design, it is about density and height and developers always want too much of both to maximise their already huge profits. Why don't you turn the Creek into a massive canyon of tower blocks and flats and watch it die from your luxury balcony.

  5. Er..sorry Sue but I do live by the creek and have done so for many a years. That is why I read and, occasionally, contribute to this blog.

    I am saddened by your attitude to what is going on in the area as I have friends that have now been fortunate to get shared ownership housing in a couple of these new blocks - maybe you saying that it would be better these places were not built and they should be homeless?

    Also, I have not seen the area die around me - yes the buildings are not in keeping with the size of the area but it has not died - if anything I have seen it become a more vibrant area - especially with the buzz of Laban and all of the students in the big Creek Road student hall. I remember the streets used to be dead of an evening at one time!

    Anyway, I think I know where you are coming from, but sometimes one has to swallow ones pride and let an area move with the times even if it is intrinsically against your own personal beliefs. Yes, greedy developers will get rich on the back of it (AND I AM NOT ONE!), but if not you are left with an area of underinvestment, crumbling buildings and a chronic shortage of homes. Which is only what I was trying to say in my very first posting!

    Anyway, I think we should probably agree to disagree on what we see as the future for the area and I'll say no more as it has kind of moved off on a tangent from the tragic news of Olatunji Johnson Adeyanju.

  6. Dubious moral high ground, ms/mr no name!

    Was simply considering environmental issues (loss of sunlight) etc threatening eco balance of Creek. But if you're more concerned with humans, what about the paper thin walls in jerry built flats making Creekside Village a hellhole to live in for Telford Homes occupants. Or the psychological effect tall buildings have in making people feel small and insignificant.

    Not against change and regeneration of run down areas (what pride is there to swallow?), just require quality building on a human scale, more open spaces, not ugly Canary Wharf type stuff such as the (hopefully now shelved) proposals for Convoys Wharf, and not building straight on to major roads (Mosaic on Blackheath Hill, Barratts at Loampit Vale, or Creekside Village on Creek Road which is now a dark wind tunnel where the monster's shadow falls (whilst resembling a squatted office block on the south side, whose sunny views may eventually be blocked out with further high rises)...Fine, let's agree to disagree!

    BTW isn't it Waitrose, not Saino's, who'll be opening in Galliard Homes' river-view blocking luxury riverside development at Greenwich Reach?

  7. Nope, definitely a Sainsburys...
