Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Stepping over the border

Just to prove that I don't spend all my time in Deptford, the last few days I've been over the border enjoying some of the sights and sounds of Greenwich. What with the marathon, the Olympics and the Cutty Sark, all eyes have been on our Royal neighbour of late. A spring stroll on part of the Green Chain walk gave me a good view across Woolwich Common to the temporary Olympic shooting venue, which is quite striking from a distance.

Closer to hand there was a rake of glorious cherry and blackthorn blossom brightening up the pathways of the common.

This evening I took a short trip to Cutty Sark Gardens to have a look at the preparations for the Queen's visit tomorrow, when she'll be cutting the ribbon on the relaunched Cutty Sark. There's been lots of sneak peeks over the last few days, one of my favourites blogged by a New Cross Fleece Station resident here.

The boat looks absolutely amazing standing proud above the slightly dubious 'sea' of glass, but do make sure you have your back to Nando's (or perhaps are standing on the roof garden) when you take your picture of her. Likewise do be careful if you are disembarking the ferry not to rush to get your snap of this World Heritage Site.

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