Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Convoys Wharf consultation day: further details

Further details of the Convoys Wharf Community Consultation day on Saturday 24 March:

PLEASE NOTE: The site can be dusty and muddy depending on the
weather, so please bring appropriate footwear and clothing.

11.00 Exhibition opens

11.15 – 12.15 Site and archaeological tour opportunity 1

12.15 – 14.15
Welcome from Hutchison Whampoa, followed by speeches and presentations, including Joan Ruddock MP, Sir Terry Farrell and colleagues, and local community groups.

The presentations will be followed by question and answer opportunities and refreshments will be provided during the two-hour period.

PLEASE NOTE: If you want to take a full part in these sessions, please arrive promptly at noon. Register for one of the site tours on arrival.

14.15 – 15.15 Site and archaeological tour opportunity 2

16.00 Exhibition closes

For further information and to confirm attendance please call 0845 460 6011 or email


  1. would it be cynical of me to say that they're holding a consultation to decide how little they can get away with regarding heritage and the concerns of residents and as a token gesture to the Council rather than a genuine attempt to engage with the issues?

  2. yes it would be cynical but could be accurate. However, if you know anything of Sir Terry Farrell's philosophy behind his work you will be greatly encouraged and enthusiastic about this opportunity to engage in the review of the master plan for this important historic site.
