Friday, 9 March 2012

Convoys Wharf 'consultation': date for your diary

(click on the picture to make it big enough to read the text)

Deptford is being invited to another 'consultation' event by developer Hutchison Whampoa, which owns Convoys Wharf. I am slightly sceptical given the extent to which the comments made at the previous 'consultation' were skewed and abused by the developer in its planning application.

This is rather interesting since Hutchison Whampoa submitted a planning application for the site last year, but Lewisham Council has apparently told them that their current masterplan has a long way to go before it approaches anything acceptable, and that it needs to make greater efforts to acknowledge the heritage of the site.

However we were promised an independent public meeting by our mayor Steve Bullock, supported by MP Joan Ruddock, of which nothing more seems to have been said.

I do hope that this 'consultation' (I continue to use the word advisedly) is not intended to replace the public meeting plans, as it will surely not be an independent and unbiased event. All the same I recommend that you get your name down for it and do your best to make it along on the day. At the very least it's worth getting a tour of the site so you can appreciate its extent and the potential impact the development will have on Deptford.

If you are new to this development and need more information, may I recommend the Deptford is.. website and mailing list, which I am sure will be ramping up its coverage of the proposed scheme in the coming weeks.

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