Friday, 13 January 2012

Open studio at the Stephen Lawrence Centre

Every Friday from now until the end of May, the Stephen Lawrence Centre in Brookmill Road is holding an 'open studio' morning from 10am to 1pm.

The free initiative for adults over 25 is intended to offer an introduction to painting, drawing or ceramics, as well as some digital art work.

Different artists and tutors will be working with the group throughout the programme, as well as an art facilitator who will be with the group every week. Work produced during these sessions will be exhibited at the centre in May.

The group is kept to a maximum of 15 people, to ensure that everyone gets the right amount of help; support workers are also able to attend with group members as necessary. To book a place or enquire about the sessions, contact the centre's creative programme manager Hana Smeeth (HanaSmeeth at stephenlawrence dot org dot uk).

However the centre is struggling to survive financially; Doreen Lawrence this week admitted that the financial hardship it was enduring had now become acute. Despite the high profile of her son's name - in particular in recent weeks with two of his killers being finally brought to justice - it was becoming increasingly difficult for the charity to attract sufficient funding to continue its work.

1 comment:

  1. This building is an eyesore.

    Would it not be better if the land was sold and the money used for funding Black and Ethnic Minority students going through University - possibly with a slant towards architecture and design???

    That would serve his memory much better.
