Friday, 20 January 2012

New sewing & knitting group in Catford

(Like the crochet star bunting? Find out how to crochet your own stars here)

Being a bit of a crafter myself, I'm happy to announce that a new sewing and knitting group has been set up in Catford South and has its first meeting next Saturday 28 January.

Although it's not particularly local to Deptford, I'm sure I have readers in other parts of the borough who might be interested, and it's probably also worth the schlep if you want to ask advice about a project or get some help from other crafters.

The group is free to attend, and meets every Saturday except the third of the month. It's not a teaching group, it's intended as an informal 'drop-in' for people who already know how to pattern cut, sew, knit, crochet or embroider and are confident in completing projects on their own.

However in my experience, wherever crafters gather in number there's always a willingness to help out, offer advice or explain something that's not clear or obvious.

The group will meet from 11am - 5.30pm (6pm final close) in the Youth Room at St Laurence Hall, Bromley Road.

For more information send an email to and you will get an autoresponse email containing full details.

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