Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Deptford High Street wins funding

Thanks to Brockley Central for tipping us off to the fact that Lewisham Council's bid for part of the Mayor of London's Outer London Fund has been successful.

While I'm rather surprised to find myself in outer London all of a sudden, I'll happily accept the £2.2 million towards Deptford's 're-invigoration' thank you very much. Both Catford and Nunhead also won funding for street improvements and regeneration work.

Since I couldn't find any info on the council's website about the bid (or else it's buried somewhere silly) I will have to cut and paste shamelessly from Brockley Central, which has a mole in the Mayor's office.

Deptford High Street will benefit from an investment of over £2.2 million in order to re-invigorate the area. Specific activities include a market apprenticeship starter initiative and a market stall and forecourt appearance improvement project. The funding will also support the creation of a new public space at the southern end of the High Street. Other activities include a waste initiative, improved parking provisions and a feasibility study for Hamilton Street Car Park, and the Deptford Moving Art Scheme.  

I'm not sure what 'improved parking provisions' we need (unless it means they are finally going to replace the trees and cheap street furniture that has already been wrecked on Frankham Street's 'parking boulevard') and have no idea what the Deptford Moving Art Scheme is, but I'm guess it will all become clear when the council decides to spill the beans.


  1. Anything in there about repaving the entire street or is that to come from Convoys Wharf Section 106?

  2. Best use of these funds would be to help owners understand the value of the conservation area policy and to enforce action against transgressions of planning permission. Other high streets clearly demonstrate that well maintained buildings and good conservation does well for business.
    The Frankham Street car park design and implementation was a complete WASTE of public money and whoever managed that should be sacked.
    The city challenge shopfronts were badly built and are now falling apart. Waste again.
    The money is a wonderful boost if the funds are used with investment in design and materials.
