Thursday, 1 September 2011

Deptford lounge shines through

KayeJ recently left a comment on this post asking if there were any updates on the Deptford Lounge project, so this blingtastic photo is for you.

This was taken on one of those stormy days last week when late afternoon sunshine caught the shiny stuff on the front of the building. Kind of apocalyptic isn't it? And I'm afraid to report that the children of Tidemill School will not be moving to their new school this term, as originally planned.

I've included another picture to reassure those readers who no longer live here, and who recall Deptford fondly, that traffic fuckwittery still rules supreme on this particular stretch of road.

That's it for now. I'm leaving the 'ford for a week or so to breathe a bit of fresh air and walk on pavements free of chicken bones. See you soon.


  1. Oh marvellous. Fucking off and leaving us to this bling box prison. Great. :-) x

  2. All the way to the bank1 September 2011 at 23:22

    GO(L)D is GREAT. TOP PRICE PAID at your nearest pawnbroker.

  3. Cant leave a positive without a moan can we?

  4. hi again anon. If you are intending to go through all my posts and point out every time I have a moan about something, I do hope you have got plenty of time on your hands. If so, perhaps you'd like to share your own critical appraisal of our local architecture? It would be much more enlightening.
