Friday, 16 September 2011

Deptford open house

Don't forget it's open house weekend this weekend - the once a year opportunity to have a good snoop inside public and private buildings, and even homes, that are not usually open to the public.

In SE8 there are four properties open to the public, although tours of the Laban Centre (now labouring under the moniker of the Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance) require booking so you've probably missed those.

Happily you can get 'turn up and go' tours of three other properties:

- Stephen Lawrence Centre, Brookmill Road SE8 4HU (Sat 10-3, tours at 11am and 1pm)

- 2 Ashmead Mews, (between 40 and 42 Ashmead Rd)SE8 4DS. Former stable building adopted as architect's home and studio. (Sat 11-6, architect-led tours every hour, first come basis).

- Connearn Studio, 4 Friendly St, SE8 4DT. Small purpose-built artist's studio in a residential garden. (Sat 10-5, Sun 1-5. Regular architect-led tours).

There's also plenty more buildings open locally without booking, including Lewisham Arthouse on Lewisham Way, which is offering tours every 15-20 mins on Sunday 1-5pm,and Crossways Sixth Form building on Sprules Rd, Brockley (Sat and Sun 9-4), as well as free turn-up-and-go tours led by BDP landscape architect Mehron Kirk, of Deptford Town Centre (meet Sat 10am at east entrance of Margaret McMillan Park on Watson/Idonia St) and Pepys Parks (meet Sat 12 noon at base of Aragon Tower, George Beard Road next to the Thames). Clearly I'm gutted to be missing the latter - I'm due at a friend's wedding on Saturday - but if anyone goes along please report back on the theory behind the wonky lights....

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