Thursday, 25 August 2011

Octopump beer festival - more details

Thanks to the Royal Albert for sending me more information about the beers that they intend to offer at the upcoming Octopump festival*.

This is not an exhaustive list, we are promised more ciders and possibly other beers too, subject to availability:

Nick says it's 'almost certain' they'll be featuring:

Old Chestnut/c.1790 India Pale Ale from Dark Star(couldn't find this on the website tho)
Amarillo from Milk Street
Avalanche from Fyne Ales (gutted I won't get to try this - save me some? pls?)
Ramble Tamble from Triple FFF Brewery
Elsie Mo from Castle Rock Brewery
P.G. Steam from RCH Brewery

Other breweries they are hoping to feature should include some of these:
Kent Brewery
Hogs Back (cup of TEA anyone?)
Twickenham Ales
The brand new London Fields Brewery

As regards ciders and perrys, there will definitely be something from Severn Cider, I'm told, as well as two or three others which are currently being confirmed.

All very exciting - they are aiming for between 12 and 14 different beers and ciders over the three day period.

2-4 September 2011

Royal Albert Pub
460 New Cross Road
SE14 6TJ
020 8692 3737


*To some extent I wish they hadn't as I'm now regretting that I'll be out of town for the entire period :-(

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