Saturday, 27 August 2011

Extra Bones shop and free lunchtime music

The Utrophia temporary residency of the former job centre on Deptford High Street includes the Extra Bones shop run by Andrew Kerr, which opened recently. Andrew sells homemade artwork, zines and 'objects' as well as having a trading post box where you can bring something and swap it for something else to use creatively.

The shop/gallery also has a programme of free lunchtime live music performances over the next few weeks.

I missed the first performance last Friday, although judging by the film clip on the Extra Bones blog I'm not sure it would have been my cup of tea, but I was interested to see that next week's lunchtime concert will feature folk singer Sam Lee. Sam sings traditional folk songs in his hauntingly beautiful voice, which will send shivers down your spine. If you are around next Friday, don't miss it.

Here he is singing with Jon Boden on Folk Music at Christmas.


  1. I bought a really great object for a fiver in Extra Bones when it first opened that I think was Andrew's work. Didn't know they were doing music as well.

  2. Sue, did you buy one of those wand things - stick with a crystal on the end? I was tempted.
