Saturday, 11 June 2011

Nu X turn left: a comics and art garden party.

While I can't pretend my inner editor doesn't cringe at the word 'nu', I am very excited at the combination of comics, art, craft and cake promised by the garden party which will be held at the Old Police Station in July. (Added later: Actually the word 'nu' is only used on the Facebook page, the blog is blissfully free of it!)

Currently the organisers are inviting submissions from cartoonists and artists who want to exhibit at the show, which will be a curated event, and also from vendors interested in having a stall at the garden party.

"We're looking for exhibitors for Nu X Turn Left: A Comics and Art Garden Party, to be held at the Old Police Station on Sunday, 24th July, from 1-11PM (114-116 Amersham Vale, Deptford, SE14 6LG).

The event is named for the most basic directions to the OPS - go to New Cross station, turn left on exiting, walk a bit, you're there!
Organised by Julia Scheele, Howard Hardiman, Ellen Lindner and Nevs Coleman, the Garden Party is just what we say - a garden party! We'll be selling comics, cakes, crafts and art, and we'd love to get you - a local artist- involved. In the evening we'll have a book launch for a minicomics collaboration between Ellen Lindner and Barnaby Richards, Art History Dropouts.

This is a curated show, and we're focusing on South London artists and cartoonists. Not an artist or cartoonist? Keep reading for info on attending - we need you, too!

For £5 you can sell your wares all day, either at one of our communal tables in the station caff, or outside in the courtyard (weather allowing, of course!) For that price you can also submit an exhibition idea for one of the station cells - yes, an actual holding cell, completely unchanged from when the station was Deptford's police station.
For £10 we will cater your lunch - a lovely Panda Panda sandwich and drink of your choice (£1 bubble tea supplement), delivered straight to the Police Station on the day. You also get cake!


Please email with exhibitor interest, exhibition proposals and questions -

Once we discuss what you'd like to sell, I'll require payment via PayPal. We're aiming to have a full roster of 20 artists by 20th June , so please get in touch with any interest ASAP. "

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the blog love, Dame! We hope you can join in with the Garden Party - you (and your retinue) will be very welcome.
