Sunday 15 May 2011

Betfred appeal against refusal of planning permission

Unsurprisingly Betfred (or should I say Done Brothers) has appealed against Lewisham Council's refusal to grant planning permission to open a betting shop in the former Halifax premises on Deptford High Street.

If you are new to this blog, you can find out more about the background to this case here and here which will probably answer any questions you might have (eg why does Lewisham Council allow so many betting shops, is there really sufficient demand for such competition, what can I do etc).

The Blackheath Bugle has helpfully posted a copy of the letter about the appeal that objectors should have received, which gives information about the grounds for the appeal, where to send any additional information you may wish the inspector to consider, and the fact that both parties have agreed for the case to be dealt with by an exchange of written statements, rather than a hearing. All objections that were submitted to the original application will be forwarded to the inspector for consideration. If you wish to add to this, please send your objection to:

Mrs Ruth Howell
The Planning Inspectorate
3/14 Eagle Wing
Temple Quay House
2 The Square
Temple Quay
Bristol BS1 6PN

by Thursday 9 June. Written comments must be sent in triplicate quoting reference APP/C5690/A/11/2151228/NWF.

Alternatively you can send objections by email to

Any comments you write on this appeal will be copied by the Planning Inspectorate and forwarded to all parties to the appeal including Done Brothers.

If you own a property nearby and you want the Inspector to see the appeal from your property, you should tell the Planning Inspectorate when you write to them and they will tell you the date and time of the visit. You will not be able to discuss the case, but you can point out the relevant facts and features.

Over on Crosswhatfields blog Sue has news that Joan Ruddock seems to have woken up to the issue. Better late than never (my words not hers).

She says: "We have been contacted by Joan Ruddock's office to let us know that David Lammy MP is tabling an Amendment to the Localism Bill as it relates to Planning Consent for Betting Offices, and this bill in back in the Commons on Tuesday/Wednesday this coming week and could be called anytime.

The idea of the amendment is to give more powers to local authorities to refuse planning permission to betting shops (as one way of combating the loopholes in the present Gambling Act). There is absolutely no guarantee that the amendment will be called for debate, but if it is, Ms Ruddock would like to speak about the experience on Deptford High Street."

Sue's post includes additional information and links to relevant research and reports which are worth reading if you are seeking more background information to help you compose an objection or if you simply want to understand the issues more fully.


  1. Property Week magazine had an interesting take on Deptford's growth as a location for betting shops.

  2. Thanks Tom, I hadn't seen that although I saw their earlier article rather glibly titled 'bookies hit the jackpot'

    I am glad the same reporter actually came here to see how it affects shoppers, businesses and residents even if she still reports it like a done deal, with no insight into the planning issues involved. Also ironic that they are quoting David Lammy but writing about Deptford.


  4. @anon you can follow this on the Lewisham planning portal or the planning inspectorate's website where you will find information about the date the appeal will be decided. And while I welcome interaction from readers I would humbly suggest that SHOUTING (ALBEIT IN WRITING) and forgetting your pleases and thankyous will not get you anywhere.
