Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Creekside cafe

(Photo: TCoM)

I'm not quite sure how long ago the Creekside Cafe opened for business, but it certainly snuck in under my radar. I've been over there a couple of times now to try it out, and think it will make a welcome addition to our local cafes, of which we now seem to have quite an embarrassment! (not that I'm complaining, I hasten to add!)

(Photo: TCoM)

It's tucked into the side of the 'reception' area of the Faircharm Estate on Creekside, through a door in the front wall which I'm pretty sure didn't exist before (or at least was never open). There are half a dozen tables and a corner of big comfy sofas, as well as a bookshelf full of lots of hardback books, many of them cookery books, which are useful for browsing if you go in there on your own. The staff are very friendly and the place is clean and pleasant.

(Photo: TCoM)

They serve a range of light lunches and sandwiches, with daily specials such as roast butternut squash with feta cheese and couscous salad, toasted panini, savoury tarts and various sandwiches made to order. A selection of homemade cakes is also on offer, and as well as teas and coffees they have a range of soft drinks that are superior to the usual offerings.

Prices are very reasonable - around a fiver for a salad or lunch special - and the food is tasty and fresh. The coffee is acceptable, although rather too bitter for my taste, but it does come with one of those little crunchy biscuits, which is a nice touch. Just one minor irritant - I was a bit narked that the delicious chunk of baguette that came with my lunch was marred by the addition of margarine. Butter or nothing next time please! I've no objection to margarine being offered but it shouldn't be as standard.

The cafe is open daily in the week, as well as on Saturdays, and seems to get a good trade from businesses on the estate in addition to some passers by. Don't rush down there this weekend though, they are taking a break this weekend. But do go and try it out - the quality food and prompt service are worth the effort.


  1. Thanks for the review Dame! :-)
    I didn't know it was there either and i work right round the corner. I might try and find it for that couscous salad thing for lunch - will let you know how my adventures go!
    thanks again,

  2. Creekside cafe is a welcome addition, serving fresh food by friendly people. It creates a more social community at Faircharm and we should all support it.

    Jo Milton, Faircharm Tenant.

  3. I love their coffee, it tastes like coffee!

  4. Used to have a studio at Cor Blimey studios opposite Creekside-will DEFINETLY check this out!!!!!

  5. Hi there is this cafe near a bus stop coming from either Blackheath or Greenwich? is it child friendly?

  6. @susannah about same distance from Blackheath Rd (for 53) and Creek Road (188, 199 etc) about 5 mins walk in each case or 10 with a reluctant child. Yes they are child friendly.
