Saturday, 5 February 2011

Resolution Way social housing

The fact that the new Tidemill School/Deptford Lounge development includes social housing had completely passed me by until the apartment block began rising over the parapet of Deptford Station.  But it was not until the cladding started to be applied that the true horror of these residential units began to unfold.

When the project got the go-ahead all the attention was focussed on the Deptford Lounge building, which everyone naturally assumed would be the most visible bit of the scheme, and indeed it will be from the town centre.

From the north end of Deptford, however, the new flats are omnipresent, and over the last couple of weeks, since the battleship grey cladding with daffodil-yellow accents has been put into place, the facade has loomed aggressively over the railway viaduct like big grey hand putting two fingers up at St Paul's Church.

While I realise that the grey weather is not helping, and the unfinished cladding is making it look even more tatty, I can't help thinking that this is one of the least inspiring - I would even go so far as to say ugly - buildings to be erected in Deptford for some time. If you've been reading my blog for any length of time you'll realise this is quite a statement!


  1. the top two floors (set back) are to be white render, this might help reduce the bulk. The yellow is nowhere near as bright as was shown on the planning drawings though, a bit depressing.

  2. you've gotta larf tho cuz you have chosen the exact same colour schem 4 ur website!!! ha!

  3. @bierfic correct. However your powers of observation may also have led you to notice that this is a website, not a prominent block of flats.Yellow is also quite nice on daffodils.
