Monday, 7 February 2011

Let's all hang together

'A shop with a difference in an area where theatre and community were once one'.

A new shop on New Cross Road promises something a little bit different, offering not only hand-picked second-hand clothes and accessories, but also cheap exhibition space downstairs (£12.50 per day, three days minimum) and poetry & music on Friday nights starting this week. Art lessons and life drawing classes are also being offered at a very reasonable rate.

'Let's all hang together' is a great name with its mixed-up connotations of solidarity versus execution, and the shop is well worth a browse. The shop is a venture by Art Saves Lives which is run by Dean Stalham and Jaine Laine of the Deptford Living Archive; in the window are old black and white photographs from the archive, blown up and framed, a snapshot of the past.

Inside you can find hand-picked good quality second-hand clothes; don't come here for the cheap stuff, if you have the stamina to root through the stalls in Douglas Way you will find similar stuff for a fraction of the price, but it will be a godsend for folks who are cash-rich(er) and stamina-poor.

The items on sale - including lots of shoes and handbags and a rather alarming mountain of day-glo-painted 'rave' T-shirts - are just a part of the offering. Every Friday from this week they are offering The Friday Lip - poetry and live music with a resident DJ who will be playing an eclectic mix of original vinyls from 10pm till 1am. Entry is £2 and there is a cheap bar and 'exquisite nibbles'.


  1. Is it a shop or a nightclub? does it have a drinks licence?

  2. Thank you for the update Dame, I've been walking past but not had time to investigate. Sounds exciting.

  3. @anon 14 June I have deleted your comment as potentially libellous since you did not supply any information with which to back up your allegations. Feel free to email me directly with this information or post it as a comment in your real name.

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