Thursday, 13 January 2011

Recommended reads

The traditional January cold prevents me from doing any proper blogging. Luckily there's plenty of other top quality bloggers around the Deptford area who are contributing to the local debate while I'm laid low.

Tomorrow the Albany has a special event to mark the 30th anniversary of the New Cross fire, a dreadful tragedy which had a huge impact on the local community and repercussions that went far wider.
Transpontine has written a thorough and moving post, examining the event in detail, and putting it into shocking context; a sober reminder of how much more pervasive racist attitudes were only 30 years ago. Some of the footage from the BBC4 documentary is particularly harrowing, not just in its descriptions of how the victims died, but also in terms of the abuse and isolation suffered by survivors, their families and the black community in the wake of the fire.

New Cross is also the focus for my second recommendation - but this time a much lighter subject matter. On her Food Stories blog, Helen has interviewed Yianni Papoutsis from Meatwagon and Scott Collins of Capital Pub Company, about the temporary burger bar that is currently installed in the upper storey of the Goldsmith's Tavern. I particularly like Yianni's recommendation for food in Peckham - he is a great fan of Manze's pie & mash shop. I can't say I'm a fan of pie, mash and liquor in its traditional cockney form - but the Geezer is a firm fan and Manze's in Peckham is apparently the best there is. (Incidentally I'm afraid he doesn't really recommend either of Deptford's pie shops).

(Updated later: OMG they're all at it now. Here's Will Self's typically unconventional take on Manze's in Tower Bridge Road)

Hollow Legs and A rather unusual Chinaman have both reviewed the food at the Meateasy.

Finally if you want to add to the debate concerning Co-op vs Sainsbury's vs Marks & Spencers vs the Royal Hill Lovelies (not a dance troop) etc, hop over to the Greenwich Phantom and spill it all out.

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