Thursday, 6 January 2011

New Cross news round-up

The mystery of the epic landscaping fail outside the Waldron Centre in New Cross is partially solved by Kieran Long's article in the Evening Standard yesterday.

If you can get past Long's staggeringly patronising and pointless intro (I suggest skipping the whole of the first para and don't bother with paras 4 or 5 either) you will eventually find some factual information and comment buried within the glib cliches he rolls out. When Long actually writes about the project itself, he and I do find some points of agreement, specifically in admiring the building and being disappointed by the landscaping. According to Long's article, the abandoned corner of the site is earmarked for a residential building with a cafe at the base, although there is no intimation of how this is to be funded, when it is likely to materialise or why it is taking so long.

Meanwhile Transpontine has been trying out the NHS walk-in clinic at the centre, and has good things to say about it.

Someone who does not need persuading of the delights of south London is food blogger Lizzie, aka Hollow Legs. Her blog reports on the imminent arrival at the Goldsmith's Tavern in New Cross of a temporary 'chop-up' eaterie upstairs for a few weeks starting on 12 January. Top quality burgers will be served up for a few weeks by the Meatwagon crew, to raise money to replace the wagon that was stolen in December.

Meat lovers are recommended to get down there sharpish, 'Meateasy' will only be open for a few weeks until 'some time in March'. The Goldsmith's Tavern will subsequently become the New Cross House after a refurb by new owners Capital Pubs.

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