Monday, 8 November 2010

Convoy's wharf planning application

In due course I hope to bring you my considered comments on the application, but once you've seen the number and extent of documents you'll understand that it's going to take me some time to fully digest.

In the meantime I know that quite a few of my followers are interested in this development, so I wanted to bring the documents to your attention for full scrutiny.

They are posted here on the Convoy's Wharf site. Happy reading!


  1. I recommend reading document CW3 The Design and Access Statement, to get an overall feel for the project even if it is 178 pages long.

    One benefit of the project for us real ale fans is that the view from the front windows of the Dog and Bell should be much improved.

  2. I do not know where you get the idea that the view will be improved. My reading is that there will be a 12 storey building immediately infront of it. This is the situation for almost all of the north end of Watergate St also.

  3. "The length of this document defends it well against the risk of its being read." - Winston Churchill
