Sunday, 24 October 2010

Master Shipwright's Revelry

Another great date for the diary - the Master Shipwright's Revelry on Sunday 7th November.

"This bonfire weekend, The Magpie’s Nest and Kit and Cutter, Deptford’s very own purveyors of folk events, will be docking up on the banks of the River Thames for a nautically themed, fire brazened and musically scored celebration. With permission granted to host this event in London’s historic Master Shipwright’s Palace, this is an opportunity to explore the grounds, its unique wooden theatre and ballrooms, animated by the sounds of both British shanty and folk singers young and old including City Shanty Band but also the more contemporary sound of Peter Gabriel’s and Realworld’s Spiro, Lake Chad’s Mamane Barka, Bulgaria’s Perunika trio and Morris dancing from the Belles of London City and the Blackheath Morris Men and many, many more acts. Also included in the event will be a Fire lit ritual for a Drowned Sailor with full river burial procession, Fireworks, lectures on London Guy Fawkes and London’s river faring traditions. As well as food, bonfires, storytelling, sing-a-longs, dancing and local Greenwich Meantime Ale aplenty. Aslo included is music by Princes in The Tower, Kidnap Alice, Skinny ListerFirefly, Nick Hart, Keith Kendrick and Sylvia Needham, Lady Woodsman and the Boat Band"

Buy your tickets here.

1 comment:

  1. What a load of old rollocks! Pretentious twaddle.
